Maths Trail

Ms. Boland organised a maths trail adventure for 3rd class to help the children understand how mathematics is all around us.  It was an exciting morning filled with exploration and learning. The classes were divided into small groups, and with the help of the teachers, they set off with their worksheets, pencils, and metre sticks.

The children covered topics such as counting, skip counting, measuring length and area, shapes and geometry, and data collection.

The children were given a task to count various objects, such as the even and odd numbers on the clock in our classroom and the number of windows in a building. This helped us practice basic counting skills and even skip counting in some cases.

They measured the length and width of the school playground using a metre stick and took strides to estimate. Using A4 sheets, they measured the area of a school desk.

The children identified and described shapes and angles, and in particular shapes that tessellate.

The maths trail not only improved mathematical skills but also fostered a deeper connection to our school and the world around us. It was a fun morning of learning that showed the children the practical and exciting side of mathematics.

Creating Maths Board Games

During Math Week at Claddagh National School, the 5th class embarked on a remarkable journey of creativity, problem-solving, and fun. The students were tasked with creating their own maths board game.

After some designing and crafting, the teams gathered to test their games. This testing phase was a learning experience in itself, as students identified areas that needed improvement. They modified their games to make them more enjoyable, challenging, and educational.

Halloween Maths

During Maths Week, the senior infants at Claddagh National School embarked on a delicious adventure, combining mathematics and creativity to make Halloween cookies.

To begin the maths-infused baking session, the teacher explained the importance of precise measurements in cooking. She showed the children how to use measuring cups and spoons and let them know that maths was everywhere, even in their favourite treats.

The first step was to measure the sugar and flour for the cookie dough. Each child took turns at the kitchen table, using a small measuring spoon. The teacher encouraged them to count out loud as they added spoonfuls of sugar and flour. The children were delighted to see that, by counting each spoonful, they could keep track of how much of each ingredient they had used.

Senior infants counted out loud sets of spooky Halloween spiders and skeletons and practised showing how to make the numbers using their finger patterns. They have been learning their doubles and near doubles. Great work Senior Infants!

Rolling into Improper Fractions

Ms Henegan’s 5th class students learned about improper fractions and their connection to mixed numbers through an engaging dice game during Maths Week.

They worked in pairs to roll the dice and figure out the connection between improper fractions and mixed numbers. The goal is to change an improper fraction into mixed numbers.

Awesome Autumn Maths Trail

During Maths Week, the senior infants embarked on a delightful autumn maths trail, a perfect blend of mathematical learning and outdoor exploration. With wide-eyed wonder, they ventured into the colourful autumn trees of Father Burke Park.

Their mission? Counting leaves and creating shapes with sticks. Every rustling leaf was a new opportunity for counting as they tallied up the crimson, gold, and amber treasures that had fallen to the park floor. This simple act nurtured their maths skills while connecting them to nature in our local environment.

Another Awesome Autumn Maths Trail

Ms. Delaney’s 1st class took to the school garden to make sets using all the little signs of autumn they could find. Using leaves, grass, helicopter seeds, and twigs, they built sets of numbers. The children made creative patterns of numbers up to 20 with a focus on tens and units.

Shape-O-Frankenstein Fun!

Ms. Delaney’s 1st class children embraced Halloween creativity by crafting Frankenstein faces using shapes. Circles for his bolts, squares for his head, and triangles for his jagged smile. Giggles and spooky delight filled the room as they pieced together their own little monsters, adding fun and imagination to their maths lesson for Hallowe’en.

Graveyard Maths Trail

Mr. Mannion’s 5th class was busy creating a Hallowe’en poster maths trail for all the children in Claddagh School. If you are passing by on the corridor, be sure to stop and give this spookacular trail a go. Below are the questions if you’d like to try it online.

“As the moon rises and the creatures of the night awaken, I wish you a howling good time this Halloween.”

Maths Mania Quiz

Ms Heneghan’s Maths quiz for 5th class students was an engaging table quiz designed to boost maths skills. Teams of students competed in rounds of maths questions, covering topics like number, geometry, and fractions. With a fun, game-show atmosphere, it encouraged learning while fostering a spirit of healthy competition.